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Volvo 9700HD UG 15,0m #2351

9 marca 2024 - Drammen, Øvre Strandgate. Because of the FIS World Cup Sprint, parts of Drammen have been closed off since Friday. To get around it, the buses on VY1 have to travel in the "wrong" direction for a bit, so they tavel westwards towards Oslo and eastwards towards Notodden.

Autor: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Miejsce: Drammen (Buskerud) | Właściciel: Vy Oslo | Organizator: Vy express | Linia: VY1

Volvo 9700 15,0m #3378

9 marca 2024 - Drammen, Øvre Storgate. Because of the FIS World Cup Sprint, parts of Drammen have been closed off since Friday. To get around it, the buses on VY1 have to travel in the "wrong" direction for a bit, so they tavel westwards towards Oslo and eastwards towards Notodden.

Autor: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Miejsce: Drammen (Buskerud) | Właściciel: Vy Oslo | Organizator: Vy express | Linia: VY1

Volvo 9700 15,0m #3379

9 marca 2024 - Drammen, Øvre Strandgate. Because of the FIS World Cup Sprint, parts of Drammen have been closed off since Friday. To get around it, the buses on VY1 have to travel in the "wrong" direction for a bit, so they tavel westwards towards Oslo and eastwards towards Notodden.

Autor: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Miejsce: Drammen (Buskerud) | Właściciel: Vy Oslo | Organizator: Vy express | Linia: VY1

Volvo 9700 DD 14,8x4,0m #3191

30 sierpnia 2022 - Bøyum, Riksvei 5.

Autor: SebGredriver RSS
Miejsce: Sogndal (Vestland) | Właściciel: Vy Oslo | Organizator: Vy express | Linia: VY170

Volvo 9700 DD 14,8x4,0m #3225

29 maja 2023 - Vågå, Lalm, Ottadalsvegen (Rv15).

Autor: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Miejsce: Vågå (Innlandet) | Właściciel: Vy Oslo | Organizator: Vy express | Linia: VY146

Setra S531 DT #2026

22 maja 2020 - Oslo bussterminal, Oslo.

Autor: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Miejsce: Oslo (Oslo) | Właściciel: Vy Oslo | Organizator: Vy express | Linia: VY190

Volvo 9700H UG 14,8m #2034

4 maja 2020 - Rosenkrantzgata, Drammen.

Autor: Øyvind Bergedytor RSS
Miejsce: Drammen (Buskerud) | Właściciel: Vy Oslo | Organizator: Vy express | Linia: VY1

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